Saturday, August 28, 2010

Traditional food (kuih tradisional)

Have you guys tried like kuih cincin and kuih apam bakar?

It's taste nice..i've got this 2 kuih photo..

The first one, known as Kuih Cincin.  Kuih cincin looks like a ring that's why it is called 'cincin = ring'.  It is filled with gula merah 'brown sugar' or sometimes they use gula nipah 'palm sugar'.

Looks nice...and of course..i love the taste..

Ok..the second one is kuih apam bakar...or baulu...the taste is nice especially if you dip it in a cup of hot coffee..yummmyyyyyy...

This baulu is cooked by putting it in the mold and burning it on coconut smells so good..

This how it looks like...

Go, give it a try...i bought both of the kuih above at Papar, Sabah...very nice...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fake eye lashes, anyone..??

Mmmm...i like to wear one's making my eyes look bigger, beautiful and more confident...

My original eyelashes is not long enough and actually not thick enough..have to wear mascara to make it thick..

This is my eyes with fake eye lashes..

Add soft contact lenses, get one pair of hipnotised eyes...hehehhehe

It's easy to apply actually..not that hard..for would take less than 8 minutes to apply it on my eyes..easy...

You have to get a glue which is not that too sensitive to your eyes especially if you're using soft lenses.

Happy trying...(hey, no harm to try though..)


Bonus of the year??

This is what government servant yearly waiting for...bonus...

And this year announcing..every government servant is getting is good especially during Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

Wanted more but at least Alhamdullilah..we get something for this year...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Greedy people always lose...(orang yang tamak selalu rugi)

Why did I say that??

I want you to know...i am a tenant...the owner of the house, as you know usually every 30th of the month majority tenants must pay their house rental - ok..self understood..BUT...this owner..he start texting me 24th this month..he really piss me off!!

As if i'm running away...hey...common lah...i have my two months deposits with you..and mind you...this is our 2nd month staying here..the 1st month already paid using our advance payment - 2 + 1...

It's really irritates me...he said he texting me because he want to remind me...OMG!! His agreement (which he made himself) was so think i would forget about my rental fee...excuseeee me!!!  Just kick me off if i'm not able to pay your rental lah...easyyyy...

So, i am now taking 'soft revenge'...i'm finding a new house...i wanna say bye bye to you...GREEDY OWNER ('tamaha' in kadazan word)....

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010 - The best festive season in Malaysia

I am a Muslim (converted to Islam on 03.12.1999). Muslim celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri at every 1 Syawal tahun Hijrah...

Lights are usually lighted every mall, mosque, surau, houses, villages (i like the beautiful sceneric view of Papar, Sabah) etc...

Other than that, 'ketupat' or woven palm leaves (i'll get a photo on this..promise you), is a must either as a food or as a decoration together with Hari Raya Aidilfitri cards..

Ketupat is made from plain rice which is filled inside the palm leaves, boiled till cooked, and is served best with rendang, satay, or curry.

Ketupat also can be replaced with lemang (i'll get a photo on this one too..also a promise is made).  Lemang is made from glutinous milk and cook with coconut milk.  The difference with ketupat is that lemang is nice to be eaten alone without rendang, satay or taste so nice...oohh almost forgotten..lemang is cooked by burning it inside a bamboo stick..

You should taste one...marrrrveeeeloussss...ummmmmppphhhh thumbs up!!

Ooo..and another thing of course...the new baju raya (something like below)...the 'new look' with 'new clothing' will make you more confident at waking up earlier in the morning of hari doesn't have to be expensive though..but at least it is new to celebrate hari raya..

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010 to all my friends and families...Maaf Zahir dan Batin ...

My New Blog...

Helloooo world....guest what guyss..actually i forgotten my password and the whole thing on my previous blog...don't laugh....okkkk can

Am I getting old or what?!!  Tidak mau akun ni (don't want to accept the fact am getting old..hehehehee)...

So, make my story short..i created a new blog..ANNE NUR AIN'S WORLD...(hope i don't forget next time..heheheh)...